Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Mother Never

My mother has never told me no for something. I am the youngest out of four children and one thing that I noticed about my beautiful mother is that she always took care of her four sons equally especially when it came to me. Compared to my three oldest brothers I would say I am probably the most spoiled of them all. Whether it was toys, shoes, clothes or video games my mother never said no to me. She always made sure to provide me with every thing I ever asked for. When it comes time to make that special somebody the one she has to be loving and as caring or even more then my mother. I still remember those days my mom would stay awake waitng for me to come back from basketball practice and make what ever I asked her to make. "Behind every mans success there's a woman behind it," and till this point that would be mother because from my baby steps to the huge strides that I made in life till this point, theres only woman who I could think of that was always there. Also mother's are probably the only woman guranteed not to hurt you or ever bring you down. My mother has never said no to me till this day for anything that I desired or wish to have done but thats not what make me love her the most. When I am older I will always like to keep my mother with me and take her of her the way she has all these years. In addtion I will also like to make sure that I fulfill my part as a son and give her everything in life just the way she did for me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a lovely tribute your mother. I especially appreciate your desire to "make sure that I fulfill my part as her son." I suppose this is what makes this strong bond so special; you will continue the love and adoration for your mother by doing your best. What could be better than that?
